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Research Discovery

Research Discovery provides investors with a tailored weekly curation of must-read external research matched to the client’s particular areas of focus.


The most insightful and rigorous research matched specifically to your individual interests and process.

Weekly access to publications outside your core list of providers guaranteeing you do not miss key research reports whilst discovering new partners.


Your curation each week is crafted just for you.

Every portfolio manager has differing internal resources, processes and philosophies which we express when highlighting quality research.

Tailor your requests to receive research covering topics you care about that day or week. Deep dives into emerging themes and asset classes.


Insight from over 300 leading brokers and independent research providers.

Stay aware of previous suppliers updates and discover new launches.

Curations can cover everything from macro and ESG related topics to thematic equity sector and industry work.

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Independent Research providers

Gain insights from over 300 of the leading brokers and independent research providers

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